Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Finding prime numbers

We've been looking at prime numbers this week.

Some of us have been out in the playground, using the hundred square there:

Here's how we did it:

Later we had a go in the classroom, using a photo of the hundred square (16 colour bitmap format):

and, on Paint, filling he numbers in the 5, 3, 7 and 2 times table with colour:


  1. Wow, what a impresive way to learn maths. I bet you enjoyed this lesson ,Year 4!
    Pablo's mum

  2. wow! that sounds fun and creative!! I bet they will never forget how they learn them! Congratulations Year 4! Irene's mom

  3. WOW this look realy good!!

  4. That looks really good fun doing the prime numbers with the bricks
